How much life insurance to buy depends on your overall needs and financial situation. A good guideline is to purchase a policy that’s 10x your annual income. For instance, if $60,000 is your [...]
For more than 30 years, we’ve built our agency around term life insurance for several prudent reasons: Term life insurance is designed to help protect your family during your prime earning years [...]
Whole life insurance, like term life insurance, provides many important protections and benefits. We prefer term life insurance because it is a simple product with one purpose: to provide income [...]
First, figure out approximately how long you’ll need coverage. You should consider the age of your youngest child; when all your debt, including your mortgage, will be paid; and your projected [...]
This means that the premium you’ll pay on the policy will remain exactly the same for the duration of the term you’ve selected. It’ll be clearly stated in the contract with your insurance [...]
This is a type of policy that pays you back part or all of your premium should your term policy end without you making a claim against it. These policies tend to cost significantly more than [...]
No, there can be differences. When evaluating policies, keep these things in mind: Your carrier should be a reputable insurance company with solid financial ratings from at least two independent [...]
Life insurance is an important purchase. It’s also a complex and often confusing one. There are a lot of options; policies vary from insurer to insurer. The one with the lowest premium may not be [...]
Keep in mind that the quote is a starting point. It will give you a ballpark idea of how much your premiums could cost, but is not final until the underwriting process is complete. Depending on [...]